Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I have one hour and fifty six minutes until this perfect October day is over.

Intimate, over-sharing confessions time...

-Pathetically for about 7 years I have had this date saved in my account with as my wedding date.

-In 2008, I made it public knowledge that 2010 was going to be "MY YEAR!"

-I may or may not have tried to get four different people to fly to Vegas with me tonight... (lie)

Last confession on the topic.... I am actually perfectly happy with the way my life is right this moment. Truly. I love everything about where I am at and where I am going. It is one lovely feeling. I see nothing wrong with being an independent, single 26 year old with the world at her fingertips. LIFE IS GOOD!

(If I get married by the time I am 30, I will be totally happy. Perhaps 2012 can be my new year?)

Monday, October 4, 2010


If you look up the word "here" on you will find that this word is an adverb, a noun, an adjective, an interjection, and an Idiom.

In my life "here" is now relative (existing or having its specific nature only by relation to something else; not absolute or independent).

I am now a flight attendant. In one day "here" can be any number of places. Today, on my first day, "here" was Orange County, San Francisco, and I am now sitting in a hotel in Austin. Tomorrow "here" will be Austin, San Fran, and Calgary, Canada.

Not only is it amazing that it is possible for me to be in that many places in one 24 hour time period, but how about the fact that it is possible to for a large grouping of humans to fly through the air while sitting in chairs drinking beverages?!

Freak! I LOVE MY LIFE!!!