Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ode to Disneyland

We have dedicated every Tuesday since Lacey moved down here to exploring, experiencing, and loving all that is Disneyland.

"Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy."
-Walt, himself

As we just experienced our last 'DL Tuesday' together, I thought that a little tribute would be in order.

Ode To Disneyand

Our dearest Disneyland,
How we love you so.
With Annual Passes in hand,
Your harvest was ours to sow.
All of the rides we do so love to enjoy
The golden Mickey's we don't care to find
Our beloved Monte Cristo at the Blue Bayou
Someday we might like to be employed
Disneyland you blow our minds
And soon we shall come back to you.

(Wow, that was painful. Don't worry, I won't EVER do that again.)

We heart DL.